if you would like to discuss a commission, please click  here to contact me and I will be in touch.


Portrait Commissions:

Stage 1- Informal meeting

Firstly I need to discuss what type of image a client might like, where it would hang, who it's of and what it's for. This helps me get an idea of the tone of the picture.

Other questions might be: What size? How important is the background? How formal/informal should it be?


Meeting the sitter at this stage is helpful so I can get to know them a bit and start to get a picture of how I might go about creating an appropriate image. Ideally, (although it's not always practically possible) I might have a lunch or coffee with the sitter.


Stage 2- photography

Having had a bit of time to get to know the sitter, and what they want from the picture, I usually by then have an idea of what I might want from any photo tests and where to photograph them. During the photo tests I explore various different compositional options. The tests me help me see any technical problems there might be with the photography as well as explore possible routes for the image. If the sitter is for some reason unavailable I will need you to send me many photos taken in the desired clothes from different distances, angles and with different positions.

Sitting time:1 hour

Stage 3- painting

I choose the photo. Some clients prefer to be consulted on this choice. If this is the case and the image is approved, I now paint the picture.

The paint: Some sitters are better painted with bold textural marks , others may suit a totally different approach. I explore these options as I paint to see what works best and feels right for the individual sitter, and eventually the painting comes together.

Stage 4- finished painting.

Studio visit

Is the client happy with the picture?

Are any amendments needed?

Sign off



I can generally set up a meeting to start work on designing the image and take photos etc. immediately, though I may not be free to start actually painting the picture until I finish whatever I already have booked in. Timings would all be discussed and agreed in advance.

Depending on the size and style of the painting may take a couple of months to paint.

Framing :

is not included but I'm happy to offer advice on this .


If you’re interested, contact me for a quote. The price quote on the portrait does not include the cost of the materials used.

Commission something else:

(illustrations, murals, miscellaneous artwork)

Illustration comes in all shapes and sizes so it’s difficult to give a precise outline of the process or quantify the cost. I recommend that we meet in person to discuss the idea, select possible reference photos, sketch out a rough draft, and then the project can begin.

A most talented young artist, Sofie Qwarnstrom delivered a portrait in oil that was simply outstanding. Easy to work with and on top very good value for the money.
— Harald Wessman
Professionellt hanterat från beställning till leveransen.

Tavlorna levererades i tid med mycket hög kvalité.

Tavlorna föreställde några av våra tidigare kollegor som numera hänger i företagets bibliotek.
— Humana genom Andreas Westlund
Professionally handled from order to delivery.

The paintings were delivered in time with very high quality.

The paintings represented some of our former colleagues and are now hanging in the company’s library.
— Humana through Andreas Westlund